Package net.aerith.misao.gui

Interface Summary
ImageContent The ImageContent is an interface of a content added in a ImageComponent.

Class Summary
BaseDesktop The BaseDesktop represents a desktop which has functions to show a chart, observations, gallery, etc.
BaseFrame The BaseFrame represents a base frame.
BaseInternalFrame The BaseInternalFrame represents a base internal frame.
BlinkMonoImageComponent The BlinkMonoImageComponent represents a GUI component to show blinking images.
CatalogSelectionTable The CatalogSelectionTable represents a table to select some catalogs of the specified category, from the specified list.
CatalogTree The CatalogTree represents a tree of catalogs classified into some groups.
CatalogTreePanel The CatalogTreePanel represents a panel which consists of a catalog tee and the radio button to change the display mode.
ChartComponent The ChartComponent represents a GUI component to show a star chart.
ControlPanel The ControlPanel represents a control panel with four buttons: one is to set parameters, one is to start the operation, one is to stop the operation and one is to reset.
CoorPanel The CoorPanel represents a panel which consists of components to input R.A.
DatabaseCatalogTree The DatabaseCatalogTree represents a tree of catalogs in the catalog database classified into some groups.
DatabaseInformationTree The DatabaseInformationTree represents a tree of image information in the image database.
DateAndTimePanel The DateAndTimePanel represents a panel which consists of components to input date and time.
Desktop The Desktop represents a desktop.
EdittableChartComponent The EdittableChartComponent represents a GUI component to show the chart where stars can be added.
FileOperationTable The FileOperationTable represents a table where the files are added to operate an operation.
FixedScrollPane The FixedScrollPane represents a ScrollPane whose size is fixed.
HistogramComponent The HistogramComponent represents a GUI component to show a histogram of an image, with level adjustment pointers.
IconLabel The IconLabel represents a label to show an icon.
ImageComponent The ImageComponent represents a GUI component to show an image with zoom function.
ImageLabel The ImageLabel represents a JLabel only to show an image icon.
InformationAndPositionTable The InformationAndPositionTable represents a table where the XML report documents are added for an operation.
InformationTable The InformationTable represents a table where the XML report documents are added for an operation.
InstructionTable The InstructionTable represents a table where the image files and the parameters for examination are added.
LimitingMagPanel The LimitingMagPanel represents a panel to specify the range of the limiting magnitude.
MagnitudeDatabaseTree The MagnitudeDatabaseTree represents a tree of catalogs in the magnitude database classified into some groups.
MagnitudeSystemCodePanel The MagnitudeSystemCodePanel represents a panel which consists of components to input magnitude system code and the button to show the help message.
MainFrame The MainFrame represents the main frame of the PIXY system.
MonitorArea The MonitorArea represents a text area where the user can stop and restart logging by popup menu.
MonitorFrame The MonitorFrame represents a frame with a JTextArea.
MonoImageComponent The MonoImageComponent represents a GUI component to show an image, with level adjustment function of pixel values.
OpenCatalogPanel The OpenCatalogPanel represents a panel which consists of components to open a catalog file or directory.
PlotMarkIcon The PlotMarkIcon represents an icon to show the mark to plot a star of the specified property.
PlotProperty The PlotProperty represents a set of GUI properties to plot a star and the method to plot.
RegularPhotometrySettingPanel The RegularPhotometrySettingPanel represents a panel to select the reference catalog and specify the magnitude system formula for regular photometry.
RGBCompositeImageComponent The RGBCompositeImageComponent represents a GUI component to show an RGB composite image.
SimplePhotometrySettingPanel The SimplePhotometrySettingPanel represents a panel to select the reference catalog and the method for simple photometry.
SinglePropertyChartComponent The SinglePropertyChartComponent represents a GUI component to show a star chart of one sort of catalog star.
SplashScreen The SplashScreen represents the splash screen to be shown when the application starts.
StarPanel The StarPanel represents a panel which consists of the star name, buttons to show the chart and magnitude data, and the table of star data.
VariabilityDesktop The VariabilityDesktop represents a desktop with a function to import the package of variability records.
VariabilityPanel The VariabilityPanel represents a panel which consists of the buttons to show the observation date and chart, etc., and the table to show the variability information.
VsnetReportTable The VsnetReportTable represents a table which contains magnitude data to be reported to VSNET/VSOLJ.