Weekly Information about Bright Comets (2013 Oct. 5: North)

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Updated on October 5, 2013
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Best time and the azimuth, altitude (A,h) are at lat. 35 deg in the Northern Hemisphere.
Azimuth indicates 0 for south, 90 for west, 180 for north, 270 for east.


* 2P/Encke

Brightening very rapidly. It has already brightened up to 10.5 mag (Oct. 4, Chris Wyatt). It will pass the perihelion on Nov. 21, and will brighten up to 7 mag. In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in excellent condition while the comet is brightening rapidly in the morning sky. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is observable only until early October.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   7 36.07   43 28.0   0.553   1.088    83    9.4   4:33 (241, 64)  
Oct. 12   9  7.89   40  2.0   0.492   0.974    72    8.7   4:39 (248, 53)  

* C/2012 V2 ( LINEAR )

It became much brighter than expected. Now it is so bright as 9.2 mag (Sept. 28, Chris Wyatt). It keeps bright as 8-9 mag until autumn. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will keep observable in good condition for a long time until 2014 summer when the comet fades out. It will never be observable again in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  10  1.22  -34 11.0   2.107   1.614    47    9.4   4:33 (310, -4)  
Oct. 12  10 23.00  -38 35.6   2.138   1.658    48    9.6   4:39 (314, -5)  

* C/2013 R1 ( Lovejoy )

New bright comet. Now it is 10.0 mag (Oct. 4, Nicolas Biver). It will pass only 0.4 A.U. from the earth, and 0.8 A.U. from the sun in November and December, and will brighten up to 6 mag. In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in excellent condition for a long time until 2014 autumn when the comet will fade out. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will not be observable from mid November to early February. But it keeps observable in good condition until mid November when the comet will brighten up to 7 mag.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   6 43.79   -2 34.8   1.259   1.603    89   11.0   4:33 (331, 48)  
Oct. 12   6 58.50   -0 39.5   1.089   1.509    92   10.5   4:39 (336, 52)  

* C/2012 S1 ( ISON )

Now it is 10.7 mag (Oct. 4, Sandor Szabo). It is expected to be a great comet in 2013 autumn when the comet approaches to the sun down to only 0.01 A.U. It keeps visible with naked eyes from November to January, and can be extremely bright as Venus or more at the highlight. But recently, it is fainter than originally expected by 2 mag. It may be 3 mag at best actually when it is observable in the morning sky. The condition is excellent in the Northern Hemisphere. It keeps observable almost all through the period of brightening, at the highlight, and of fading. The condition is not good in the Southern Hemisphere. It is not observable at all the latter part of the highlight, and it keeps low all through the period.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   9 43.38   16 45.5   2.032   1.575    49   11.0   4:33 (270, 31)  
Oct. 12  10  0.53   14 58.6   1.823   1.436    51   10.5   4:39 (275, 33)  

* 154P/Brewington

Brightening very rapidly. It has already brightened up to 11.4 mag (Oct. 3, Sandor Szabo). It is expected to reach up to 10 mag from autumn to winter. In the Northern Hemipshere, it keeps observable in excellent condition until the comet fades out. In the Southern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in good condition within 2013, but it will not be observable in 2014.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  22  0.88   -6 21.5   0.900   1.774   138   12.2  21:04 (  0, 49)  
Oct. 12  21 58.54   -4 32.5   0.918   1.744   131   11.9  20:34 (  0, 51)  

* C/2013 N4 ( Borisov )

New bright comet discovered in the extremely low sky at dawn. Now it is 11.7 mag (Sept. 18, Ken-ichi Kadota). It keeps 11-13 mag until autumn, but it keeps locating extremely low in the morning sky. It is not observable until November in the Southern Hemisphere. Juan Jose Gonzalez reported it is so bright as 8.8 mag on Aug. 18.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  11  2.33    4 21.2   2.206   1.387    26   12.1   4:33 (270,  8)  
Oct. 12  11 17.13    0 30.4   2.231   1.441    28   12.3   4:39 (276,  9)  

* C/2012 F6 ( Lemmon )

It approached to the sun down to 0.73 A.U. on Mar. 24, and brightened up to 4.7 mag (Mar. 11, Michael Mattiazzo). Now it is fading. But it is still bright as 12.0 mag (Oct. 1, Jakub Cerny). In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in good condition while fading gradually. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will never be observable again.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  18 39.60   57 36.6   2.898   3.121    93   12.2  19:02 (155, 64)  
Oct. 12  18 40.56   55 57.4   3.009   3.205    92   12.4  18:53 (149, 63)  

* (3200) Phaethon

It will approach to the sun down to 0.14 A.U. on Oct. 7. Now it is not observable. In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable at 16 mag in good condition from late October to mid December. In the Southern Hemisphere, it locates very low from November to December.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  12 23.78   -6 18.1   1.159   0.185     5   12.2   4:33 (267,-14)  
Oct. 12  13 59.67   -8 56.4   0.973   0.219    12   14.1  18:53 ( 85, -8)  

* C/2010 S1 ( LINEAR )

Now it is 12.4 mag (Oct. 3, Sandor Szabo). It keeps bright at 13-14 mag for a long time until 2014. It keeps observable for a long time in the Northern Hemisphere. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  19 18.29   17 32.6   5.729   5.980    99   13.4  19:02 ( 30, 70)  
Oct. 12  19 16.81   16 11.5   5.836   5.988    93   13.5  18:53 ( 40, 67)  

* (596) Scheila

Big asteroid discovered in 1906. It suddenly showed the cometary activity on Dec. 11, 2010, probably due to an impact of a small object. It has already turned to be stellar.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   0 33.51  -17 54.4   2.131   3.078   157   13.5  23:35 (  0, 37)  
Oct. 12   0 27.69  -18  2.1   2.168   3.089   152   13.6  23:02 (  0, 37)  

* C/2012 K1 ( PanSTARRS )

Now it is 14.0 mag and visible visually (Sept. 6, Sandor Szabo). It is expected to brighten up to 5-6 mag in 2014 autumn. In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in good condition for a long time, although it will be unobservable temporarily in late November. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be unobservable soon, then it keeps unobservable until 2014 February.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  15 38.30   13 28.3   5.024   4.405    47   13.9  19:02 ( 87, 28)  
Oct. 12  15 40.18   12 52.0   5.015   4.334    42   13.9  18:53 ( 89, 24)  

* C/2006 S3 ( LONEOS )

It brightened up to 11-12 mag in 2012. Now it is bright as 13.7 mag (July 24, Taras Prystavski). It is not observable now. However, it will be observable again at 14 mag after late November in the Northern Hemisphere, or mid December in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  13 18.33  -11 33.9   7.480   6.502    11   13.9  19:02 ( 86,-15)  
Oct. 12  13 19.99  -11 50.3   7.526   6.533     5   13.9  18:53 ( 88,-18)  

* C/2011 J2 ( LINEAR )

Now it is 14.4 mag (Oct. 4, Sandor Szabo). It keeps 13-14 mag and observable in good condition in the Northern Hemisphere for a long time from 2013 to 2014. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable until 2014 autumn.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  10 42.90   60  6.1   3.759   3.525    68   14.2   4:33 (217, 35)  
Oct. 12  10 53.37   61 55.5   3.653   3.511    74   14.1   4:39 (215, 38)  

* 46P/Wirtanen

The condition is worst and the comet will be hardly observable in this apparition. Now it is appearing in the morning sky in the Northern Hemisphere. But it locates extremely low.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  11 35.91   10 26.0   2.412   1.537    22   14.2   4:33 (260,  4)  
Oct. 12  11 53.45    8 51.8   2.447   1.596    24   14.7   4:39 (264,  7)  

* C/2012 X1 ( LINEAR )

It is expected to brighten up to 11 mag and become observable in excellent condition in 2014 spring. In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps extremely low in August and September. But it will be getting higher gradually in the morning sky after October. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable until 2014 February.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  12 26.16   27 15.5   3.201   2.414    32   14.4   4:33 (240,  5)  
Oct. 12  12 42.58   26 12.3   3.110   2.351    34   14.2   4:39 (243,  7)  

* 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

Now it is bright as 13.0 mag (Aug. 28, Taras Prystavski). It is already unobservable in the Northern Hemisphere. It will be unobservable soon also in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  14 20.04  -22 40.5   7.042   6.192    29   14.2  19:02 ( 68, -9)  
Oct. 12  14 25.34  -23  2.1   7.087   6.190    24   14.2  18:53 ( 70,-11)  

* C/2012 L2 ( LINEAR )

It brightened up to 9-10 mag in 2013 spring. Now it is fading. It has already faded down to 14.6 mag (Aug. 28, Hidetaka Sato). In the Southern Hemisphere, it keeps observable for a long time until the comet fades out, although it keeps locating low. It will never be observable again in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  11 34.99  -53 34.5   2.986   2.480    50   14.3   4:33 (318,-28)  
Oct. 12  11 58.08  -55 23.8   3.070   2.547    50   14.5   4:39 (320,-28)  

* 290P/2013 N1 ( Jager )

First return of a new periodic comet discovered in 1998. It brightened up to 10 mag at the discovery. Now it is 15.0 mag (Sept. 5, Michael Jager). In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in excellent condition from autumn to spring. A bit fainter than originally expected, but it will brighten up to 12 mag. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   6 16.97   41 13.9   2.266   2.601    97   15.2   4:33 (234, 79)  
Oct. 12   6 26.02   41 24.4   2.154   2.567   102   14.9   4:39 (216, 82)  

* 117P/Helin-Roman-Alu 1

Now it is 14.3 mag (July 8, Chris Wyatt). It keeps bright as 13-14 mag for a long time from 2013 to 2014. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be low in late September. In the Southern Hemisphere, it keeps observable until late October.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  15 26.67  -19 47.1   3.835   3.172    42   14.9  19:02 ( 61,  5)  
Oct. 12  15 36.55  -20 30.7   3.888   3.163    38   15.0  18:53 ( 62,  3)  

* C/2011 L4 ( PanSTARRS )

It passed the perihelion on Mar. 10, and brightened up to 0-1 mag. Now it is fading. It has already faded down to 13.2 mag (Sept. 6, Sandor Szabo). It is observable in good condition in the Northern Hemisphere. It is not observable in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  15 37.62   32  6.3   4.068   3.595    55   15.1  19:02 (107, 36)  
Oct. 12  15 44.44   30 52.2   4.189   3.681    53   15.3  18:53 (106, 34)  

* C/2009 F4 ( McNaught )

Now it is 15.5 mag (Aug. 25, Ken-ichi Kadota). It keeps 15 mag and observable in good condition in 2013. It locates somewhat low in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   4  2.13  -25 38.1   6.550   7.145   123   15.3   3:08 (  0, 29)  
Oct. 12   3 58.59  -25 47.2   6.529   7.176   127   15.3   2:37 (  0, 29)  

* P/2013 J2 ( McNaught )

Brightened rapidly. Now it is visible visually at 14.5 mag (Sept. 14, Todd Augustyniak). It keeps observable in excellent condition until autumn. Some visual observers reported it extremely bright as 12 mag in August.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  21 14.76    4 40.0   1.423   2.186   128   15.4  20:18 (  0, 60)  
Oct. 12  21 18.93    4 47.8   1.492   2.199   122   15.5  19:55 (  0, 60)  

* 17P/Holmes

It brightened up to 2 mag by unusual major outburst in 2007. It will return in 2014. It will be 14 mag at best by normal prediction. But actually, it is brighter than predicted. It has already brightened up to 15.6 mag (Sept. 14, J. F. Hernandez).

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  17 47.76  -34 34.4   2.483   2.442    75   15.5  19:02 ( 27, 14)  
Oct. 12  17 59.13  -33 43.0   2.539   2.415    71   15.4  18:53 ( 29, 14)  

* 246P/2010 V2 ( NEAT )

It brightened up to 12 mag in 2012. It is bright as 14.8 mag still now (Sept. 18, Y. Sugiyama). It keeps 13-14 mag until autumn. It locates somewhat low in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  19 29.11  -35 17.2   2.888   3.163    96   15.4  19:02 (  6, 19)  
Oct. 12  19 35.11  -34 54.4   2.997   3.178    91   15.6  18:53 (  9, 19)  

* C/2012 S3 ( PanSTARRS )

It brightened up to 14.5 mag in July (July 16, M. Brusa, L. Sempio). Now it is fading. In the Southern Hemisphere, it keeps observable for a long time until the comet fades out. It will be unobservable in October in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  17 53.32  -39 27.5   2.346   2.342    77   15.5  19:02 ( 24, 10)  
Oct. 12  17 51.86  -40 54.9   2.489   2.356    70   15.7  18:53 ( 27,  7)  

* C/2013 A1 ( Siding Spring )

Now it is 16.4 mag (Sept. 28, J. F. Hernandez). It is expected to brighten up to 7.5 mag and to be observable in excellent condition from summer to autumn in 2014 in the Southern Hemisphere. The condition is bad in the Northern Hemisphere. It will pass extremely close to Mars in 2014 October.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   5 31.98  -27 20.4   4.482   4.815   103   15.8   4:33 (359, 28)  
Oct. 12   5 28.12  -28 53.7   4.346   4.749   107   15.7   4:06 (  0, 26)  

* C/2013 E2 ( Iwamoto )

Fading slowly. It is bright as 14.4 mag still now (Oct. 3, Sandor Szabo). It keeps observable in good condition until the comet will be fainter than 18 mag in December.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   0 56.42   -0 21.8   2.086   3.082   173   16.0   0:03 (  0, 55)  
Oct. 12   0 51.45   -1 29.2   2.165   3.153   170   16.2  23:26 (  0, 53)  

* 84P/Giclas

Now it is 16.4 mag (Aug. 19, A. Klotz, F. Kugel, J. Nicolas, J. Caron). It tends to be brightest 4 months after the perihelion passage. It will reach up to 15.5 mag from autumn to winter, and will be observable in excellent condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   6 16.56   16 25.1   1.547   1.951    97   16.4   4:33 (327, 68)  
Oct. 12   6 24.94   16 22.5   1.498   1.972   102   16.2   4:39 (342, 71)  

* 4P/Faye

It reaches up to 12 mag in 2014 spring. But the condition in this apparition is bad. It locates low around the brightest days. Now it is 15.7 mag (Aug. 26, J. Aledo). It keeps observable in good condition until winter when the comet will brighten up to 15-16 mag.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  19 15.09  -12 41.8   2.405   2.711    96   16.5  19:02 ( 14, 41)  
Oct. 12  19 19.66  -13  0.1   2.458   2.669    90   16.4  18:53 ( 18, 40)  

* 257P/2012 F4 ( Catalina )

Now it is 16.9 mag (Sept. 4, D. buczynski). It will be observable at 16 mag in good condition in summer and autumn.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   0 17.99   13 52.5   1.335   2.325   168   16.5  23:20 (  0, 69)  
Oct. 12   0 14.99   12  0.3   1.365   2.346   165   16.6  22:50 (  0, 67)  

* 98P/Takamizawa

It brightened extremely rapidly, and reached up to 15 mag in summer. It is bright as 16.0 mag still now (Sept. 14, J. F. Hernandez). It has already passed the perihelion, but it may keep 16 mag some more time.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  18  8.21  -25 34.7   1.650   1.777    80   16.6  19:02 ( 27, 24)  
Oct. 12  18 27.49  -26  1.2   1.730   1.801    77   16.9  18:53 ( 27, 24)  

* 119P/Parker-Hartley

Now it is 17.6 mag (Sept. 30, D. Buczynski). It keeps 17 mag for a long time from 2013 summer to early 2015.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   2  8.45   17 33.1   2.234   3.171   155   16.8   1:15 (  0, 73)  
Oct. 12   2  4.68   17  8.6   2.192   3.161   163   16.7   0:44 (  0, 72)  

* C/2012 A2 ( LINEAR )

It was observed at 15-16 mag in 2012. Now it is fading slowly. But it keeps 15.6 mag still now (Sept. 16, Catalina Sky Survey). It will be fainter than 18 mag at the end of 2013. It locates low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   1  7.15   29 33.8   3.696   4.619   154   16.7   0:14 (  0, 85)  
Oct. 12   0 58.08   27 49.9   3.710   4.657   159   16.8  23:32 (  0, 83)  

* P/2013 CU129 ( PanSTARRS )

It approached to the sun down to 0.8 a.u. on Aug. 6, and brightened very rapidly. It brightened up to 13 mag from August to September. Now it is fading. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is observable in good condition in the evening sky. It is extremely low in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  18 51.39  -42 36.0   0.709   1.209    88   16.8  19:02 ( 12, 11)  
Oct. 12  19 42.16  -39 49.8   0.777   1.282    91   17.7  18:53 (  6, 15)  

* C/2012 J1 ( Catalina )

It brightened up to 12-13 mag from autumn to winter in 2012. Now it is fading. It has already faded down to 16.3 mag (Sept. 14, P. C. Sherrod, L. P. Sherrod). It keeps observable for a long time until the end of 2013 when the comet becomes fainter than 18 mag.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   6 11.54    7  2.5   3.984   4.247    98   17.2   4:33 (338, 60)  
Oct. 12   6 12.90    6  5.1   3.927   4.289   104   17.2   4:39 (354, 61)  

* 291P/2013 N2 ( NEAT )

Now it is 17.8 mag (Sept. 1, Catalina Sky Survey). It will be observable at 17 mag in excellent condition from autumn to winter.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   3 11.24   21 29.6   1.790   2.639   140   17.2   2:17 (  0, 77)  
Oct. 12   3  9.88   21 13.7   1.732   2.630   147   17.2   1:49 (  0, 76)  

* C/2012 S4 ( PanSTARRS )

Now it is 16.4 mag (Sept. 16, Mt. Lemmon Survey). It was observed at 18 mag in 2012. It will be observable at 17 mag in excellent condition in 2013.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  23 16.90   -3  8.3   3.486   4.424   157   17.2  22:19 (  0, 52)  
Oct. 12  23  9.42   -5  4.9   3.559   4.435   147   17.2  21:44 (  0, 50)  

* C/2011 F1 ( LINEAR )

It brightened up to 9.0 mag in 2012 autumn (Nov. 4, Juan Jose Gonzalez). However, it faded out unexpectedly around the perihelion passage. Now it is fainter than originally predicted by 4-5 mag. It has already faded down to 17.6 mag (Aug. 31, A. Maury, J. F Soulier, T. Noel, J. G. Bosch). In the Southern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in good condition while fading slowly after this. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will not be observable after this.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   3 46.24  -53 33.2   3.177   3.647   110   17.2   2:52 (  0,  2)  
Oct. 12   3 38.05  -53 51.8   3.230   3.711   111   17.3   2:16 (  0,  1)  

* P/2013 O2 ( PanSTARRS )

Now it is 18.7 mag (Sept. 27, Yasukazu Ikari). It will be observable in good condition from autumn to winter. It is expected to brighten up to 16.5 mag. But actually, it is fainter than the ephemeris recently.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   3 18.41   15 30.1   1.354   2.218   140   17.3   2:24 (  0, 71)  
Oct. 12   3 18.65   14 25.1   1.297   2.205   147   17.2   1:57 (  0, 70)  

* 52P/Harrington-Abell

It has not been observed in this apparition yet. But it must have already brightened up to 17-18 mag. It will brighten rapidly and will be observable at 15 mag in winter in excellent condition in the Northern Hemisphere. It locates low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   4 34.00   35 57.0   1.599   2.256   118   17.6   3:40 (180, 89)  
Oct. 12   4 38.77   36 57.1   1.502   2.220   123   17.3   3:17 (180, 88)  

* 292P/2013 O1 ( Li )

First return of a new periodic comet discovered in 1998. Now it is 17.5 mag (Aug. 31, Hidetaka Sato). It is fainter than originally expected by 2 mag. It was expected to be observable at 15.5 mag in good condition from 2013 autumn to early 2014. But actually, it will be 17 mag at best.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   2  6.95  -26  2.6   1.849   2.717   143   17.5   1:13 (  0, 29)  
Oct. 12   2  2.75  -26 21.5   1.825   2.696   143   17.4   0:42 (  0, 29)  

* C/2012 K8 ( Lemmon )

Now it is 17.8 mag (Sept. 15, J. L. Salto). It keeps observable at 18 mag for a long time from 2013 to 2016. It keeps locating high in the Northern Hemisphere. It keeps locating very low in the Southern Hemipshere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  18 35.85   24 50.4   6.731   6.810    90   17.5  19:02 ( 66, 69)  
Oct. 12  18 34.93   24 30.9   6.803   6.796    85   17.5  18:53 ( 72, 66)  

* C/2010 U3 ( Boattini )

Now it is 17.7 mag (July 20, A. Novichonok, T. Prystavski). It will brighten up to 14 mag around the perihelion passage in 2019. In 2013, it will be observable in good condition at 17.5 mag from summer to winter. It locates low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   3  6.58   27  0.6  13.133  13.905   139   17.5   2:13 (  0, 82)  
Oct. 12   3  4.91   27  5.3  13.037  13.876   146   17.5   1:44 (  0, 82)  

* 102P/Shoemaker 1

Now it is 17.1 mag (Sept. 16, Catalina Sky Survey). It will brighten up to 17 mag and will be observable in good condition from summer to autumn.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  23 44.99   28 31.1   1.048   1.989   152   17.6  22:47 (  0, 84)  
Oct. 12  23 36.29   29 23.3   1.075   1.998   149   17.7  22:11 (  0, 85)  

* C/2012 C1 ( McNaught )

Now it is 17.7 mag (Sept. 8, K. Hills). It keeps 17 mag for a long time from 2012 to 2013, and will be observable in good condition in the Southern Hemisphere. It is not observable at all in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  21  4.57  -72 13.6   4.995   5.191    95   17.6  20:07 (  0,-17)  
Oct. 12  20 53.71  -70 33.2   5.088   5.210    91   17.7  19:29 (  0,-15)  

* 32P/Comas Sola

Now it is 17.4 mag (Sept. 25, Catalina Sky Survey). Brighter than origianlly predicted. It will be observable at 12-13 mag in excellent condition from 2014 summer to 2015 spring. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will locate low around the highlight.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   0 39.90   -7 14.5   2.606   3.590   168   17.8  23:42 (  0, 48)  
Oct. 12   0 34.62   -7 36.7   2.588   3.554   162   17.7  23:09 (  0, 47)  

* C/2011 O1 ( LINEAR )

Now it is 18.0 mag (Sept. 21, K. Hills). In the Southern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in good condition for a long time while fading gradually. In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps extremely low.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   5 50.40  -44 57.6   5.026   5.225    95   17.8   4:33 (356, 10)  
Oct. 12   5 47.98  -45 25.8   5.020   5.263    98   17.8   4:26 (  0, 10)  

* P/2013 R3 ( Catalina-PanSTARRS )

New main belt comet. Now it is 17.2 mag (Sept. 27, Hiroshi Abe). Now the condition is excellent at opposition. But the brightness will be only 17.5 mag at best.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   0 39.80    5  8.1   1.235   2.235   179   17.8  23:42 (  0, 60)  
Oct. 12   0 34.69    4 38.7   1.251   2.243   171   18.1  23:09 (  0, 60)  

* 178P/Hug-Bell

Now it is 17.9 mag (Sept. 16, J. L. Martin). It keeps observable at 17.5 mag in good condition from autumn to winter.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   6 51.66   16 25.1   1.781   2.032    89   17.8   4:33 (310, 64)  
Oct. 12   7  1.33   16 28.4   1.725   2.050    93   17.8   4:39 (320, 67)  

* 184P/Lovas 2

Although it was expected to be bright as 16 mag, actually it was so faint as 18.7 mag, fainter than expected by 2-3 mag (Sept. 15, P. C. Sherrod, L. P. Sherrod). It will be observable in good condition from summer to autumn, however, it will be only 18-19 mag at best.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5   5 10.38   25 10.5   0.904   1.588   112   18.8   4:16 (  0, 80)  
Oct. 12   5 15.42   25 14.1   0.890   1.625   118   18.9   3:54 (  0, 80)  

* C/2013 G5 ( Catalina )

It will approach to the Sun down to 0.9 A.U., and to the Earth down to 0.4 A.U. in September. So it was expected to brighten up to 11-12 mag. However, it looked extremely diffuse on July 12 by Michael Jager. So the comet could be already disintegrated at that time. No observations have been reported after that. It keeps locating in good condition after this in the Southern Hemisphere. It is not observable in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  18 40.80  -67 46.6   0.544   1.100    85   20.0  19:02 (  7,-14)  
Oct. 12  20 21.06  -71 31.4   0.630   1.168    88   20.6  19:04 (  0,-17)  

* C/2012 V1 ( PanSTARRS )

It was expected to brighten up to 15 mag in 2013 summer. But actually, it is so faint as 19.5 mag, fainter than expected by 4 mag (July 2, J. F. Soulier). However, J. Linder reported that it is bright as 17.4 mag on Aug. 18.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Oct.  5  17 29.99  -14 56.1   2.389   2.272    71   21.1  19:02 ( 42, 29)  
Oct. 12  17 27.02  -16 13.2   2.569   2.305    63   21.3  18:53 ( 46, 25)  


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.