C/1996 X5 = C/2002 S5 ( SOHO )

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Updated on October 31, 2021


* Fragmentation Tree of Kracht Group

*Surviving -Diminished
- C/2004 A3
- C/1999 M3 = C/2004 L10
- C/1999 N6 = C/2004 J4 = C/2009 L8
- C/2009 Y10
- 342P/2000 O3 = P/2005 W4 = P/2011 E1 = P/2016 N5
- C/2001 Q7
- C/2001 R8
- C/2002 Q8 = C/2008 E4
- C/1996 X3 = C/2002 N2
- C/1996 X3 = C/2002 S7 = C/2008 N4
- C/1996 X5 = C/2002 S5
- C/2002 S4 = C/2008 R7
- C/2002 S11 = C/2008 G6

* Returns and Appearances

!Discovered *Appeared -Not observed #Appeared before discovery +Not observed before discovery .Returns in the future
! C/2002 S5
2002 Sept. 19
# C/1996 X5
1996 Dec. 6


The identification between C/1996 X5 and C/2002 S5 is printed on M.P.E.C. 2009-T27.


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.