The following improved orbital elements by Kenji Muraoka,
are from 185 observations 1984 to 1998, including 9 Planets,
Moon and 5 minor planets perturbations and non-gravitational
effect of style II. The mean residual is +/- 0.72 arc seconds.
Epoch = 1997 Sept. 29.0 TT JDT = 2450720.5
T = 1997 Sept. 29.21665 +/- 0.00080 (m.e.) TT
Peri. = 187.13292 +/- 0.00025
Node = 254.75600 +/- 0.00007 (2000.0)
Incl. = 18.51038 +/- 0.00002
q = 1.5818264 +/- 0.0000007 AU
e = 0.5439775 +/- 0.0000002
a = 3.4687466 +/- 0.0000006 AU
n = 0.15256159 +/- 0.00000004
P = 6.460 +/- 0.0000017 years
A1 = +0.369 +/- 0.017
A2 = -0.03777 +/- 0.00054