MISAO Project

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It calculates the distance and position angle between two coordinates.

o Execution

When using Windows95, open DOS Prompt and type:
    java misao.app.Distance
If JRE(Java Runtime Environment) is installed, the directory where the package is unpacked must be set by an option -cp (the example is in case the package is unpacked at C:\).
    java -cp C:\ misao.app.Distance
Then the following messages are output, so input the first pair of R.A. and Decl.
Calculate angular distance between two positions.
Input positions: 
  ex. R.A.= 12h 4m31.2s  Decl.= - 0o15'
  acceptable style: 12 4 31.2 -0 15 0
Position 1: 
Continuously, input the second pair of R.A. and Decl. following the message:
Position 2: 
Then the distance of the two coordinates are output in arcsec, arcmin and deg. And the position angle from the first position to the second one is also output.

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