Home Page Updated on December 16, 2020
MisV0859ProfileMisV0859 = V4665 Sgr
Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin) Discovery InformationIt was detected by the PIXY system as one of the candidates of new variable stars from images taken by Ken-ichi Kadota, Ageo City, Saitama, Japan, then confirmed by Seiichi Yoshida. V991 Sgr is 1.2 arcmin from MisV0859. No star brighter than 14.0 mag was detected at the cataloged position of V991 Sgr. However, V991 Sgr is a short period variable star between 14.1-14.9 mag. Because the magnitude range of MisV0859 is larger than 2.7 mag, MisV0859 is probably a new variable star. Light Curve12.2 +--------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | v | | v | 15.1 +--------------------------------------------------------+ 2451261 2451615 1999 Mar. 23 2000 Mar. 11 Observations by MISAO Project