MISAO Project

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* Profile


= USNO-A2.0_1275.04958112  05 27 56.359  +38 58 41.10  17.0R  15.9B

Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin)


AAVSO VSX Database

ASAS-3 Light Curve

NSVS Light Curve (NSVS 4391283)

* Discovery Information

It was detected by the PIXY system as one of the candidates of new variable stars from images taken by Ken-ichi Kadota, Ageo City, Saitama, Japan, then confirmed by Seiichi Yoshida.

NSV 01988 is 2.3 arcmin from MisV0815, that was detected as a 7.8 mag star. Therefore, MisV0815 is another new variable star.

* Light Curve

    11.8  +--------------------------------------------------------+
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    13.2  +--------------------------------------------------------+
       2451472                                                  2451942
     1999 Oct. 20                                             2001 Feb. 1

* Recent Observations

2012 Feb. 12.823  15.98  V   Diego Rodriguez
2012 Feb. 12.819  14.28  R   Diego Rodriguez
2012 Feb. 12.818  13.67  CV  Diego Rodriguez
2012 Feb. 12.818  13.21  CR  Diego Rodriguez
2012 Jan. 25.903  13.43  CV  Diego Rodriguez
2012 Jan. 25.903  12.96  CR  Diego Rodriguez
2011 Dec. 18.898  13.30  CV  Diego Rodriguez
2011 Dec. 18.897  12.83  CR  Diego Rodriguez
2011 Dec.  6.899  13.02  CV  Diego Rodriguez
2011 Dec.  6.898  12.60  CR  Diego Rodriguez
2010 Mar. 14.823  12.97  CV  Diego Rodriguez

* Observations by MISAO Project

1999 Nov. 10.6688312.2CKen-ichi Kadota
1999 Nov. 10.6692612.2CKen-ichi Kadota
2000 Jan. 8.7180813.1CKen-ichi Kadota
2000 Jan. 8.7192113.0CKen-ichi Kadota
2000 Dec. 7.6154612.2CNobuo Ohkura
2000 Dec. 7.6173112.2CNobuo Ohkura
2000 Dec. 7.6191712.2CNobuo Ohkura
2001 Jan. 11.5505112.0CNobuo Ohkura
2001 Jan. 11.5523611.9CNobuo Ohkura

Copyright(C) MISAO Project (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.