Home Page Updated on December 16, 2020
MisV0701ProfileMisV0701 = V1511 Aql
= USNO-A2.0_0825.14008002 19 00 31.767 -02 12 20.35 14.7R 19.3B = IRAS 18579-0216 R.A.=19 00 34.05 Decl.=-02 12 01.7 (19 x 6", p.a. =81) flux(12)=3.98 flux(25)=15.99 flux(60)=7.45 flux(100)=<83.72 29% variable Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin) Discovery InformationIt was detected by the PIXY system as one of the candidates of new variable stars from images taken by Ken-ichi Kadota, Ageo City, Saitama, Japan, then confirmed by Seiichi Yoshida. Taichi Kato pointed out that this object is identified with a planetary nebula PK32-3.1. The catalogued position of PK32-3.1 is 47 arcsec from MisV0701. Special NotesTaichi Kato pointed out that it is near by a planetary nebula PK 32-3.1 and influenced to the past observations of PK 32-3.1. MISAO's observations, followed by TASS's observations, revealed that MisV0701 is a red variable. In the past papers (Stenholm & Acker, MacConnell), PK 32-3.1 was noted that maybe it is not a planetary nebula because the spectrum was that of a red variable. But the spectrum was probably the mixture with a red variable MisV0701. The IRAS data is on the border between a planetary nebula and a red variable. That is probably the mixture of the two objects' characteristics, too. Research and Publication
Light CurveMisV Stars in the TASS Tenxcat Database Yoshida, S.; Richmond, M. Observations by MISAO Project