Home Page Updated on December 16, 2020
MisV0055ProfileMisV0055 = V5534 Sgr
Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin) Discovery InformationIt was discovered by Ken-ichi Kadota on images taken by Ken-ichi Kadota, Ageo City, Saitama, Japan. Taichi Kato pointed out that this object may be identified with CD-27.12786 of (Cordova Durchmusterung). Special NotesTaichi Kato identified with CD-27.12786 (9.8 mag). Kato commented that it may be a recovery of one of the missing CD stars. Such a bright star is not recorded in the GSC. Maybe the star was in outburst by chance when the CD catalog was compiled. However, there are many CD stars whose position is erroneous. It is a normal Mira type variable because bright in the 2MASS images. It is not detected by the ASAS, so it is always fainter than 14 mag in V-band. So it is not likely that MisV0055 brightened up to 9.8 mag. Research and Publication
Light Curve13.5 +--------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | 16.5 +--------------------------------------------------------+ 2451282 2451345 1999 Apr. 13 1999 June 15 Observations by MISAO Project