MISAO Project

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* Profile

MisV0041 = V5355 Sgr

= GSC6853.4327  17 59 49.03  -29 35 40.5  12.67
= USNO0600.14864584  17 59 49.054  -29 35 40.29  14.9R  12.4B
= IRAS 17566-2935  R.A.=17 59 49.67  Decl.=-29 35 43.7  (57 x 7", p.a.
  =92)  flux(12)=1.67  flux(25)=0.73  flux(60)=<10.31  flux(100)=<108.
  30  0% variable

Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin)


AAVSO VSX Database

ASAS-3 Light Curve

NSVS Light Curve (NSVS 19419927)
NSVS Light Curve (NSVS 19360902)

* Discovery Information

It was detected by the PIXY system as one of the candidates of new variable stars from images taken by Ken-ichi Kadota, Ageo City, Saitama, Japan, then confirmed by Seiichi Yoshida.

V735 Sgr is only 116 arcsec from this star. The data in the GCVS of V735 Sgr is:, R.A. 17h59m51s.62, Decl. -29o33'49".5, 13.5 - 16.5 mag(P) and ISB: type. No evident star exists on our images at this GCVS position. But probably there is a very faint (16 mag or fainter) star at this position.

* Research and Publication

* Light Curve

Light curve by ASAS-3 observations
Copyright (C) Grzegorz Pojmanski / The All Sky Automated Survey

Light curve by ASAS-3 observations
Copyright (C) Grzegorz Pojmanski / The All Sky Automated Survey

* Observations by MISAO Project

1999 Apr. 8.7586314.5CKen-ichi Kadota
1999 Apr. 8.7591714.4CKen-ichi Kadota
1999 Apr. 30.7397714.6CKen-ichi Kadota
1999 May 20.6825012.6CKen-ichi Kadota
1999 May 20.6833112.6CKen-ichi Kadota

Copyright(C) MISAO Project (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.