Home Page Updated on December 16, 2020
= OGLE2-BUL-SC22-V384 17h56m27s.13 -31o11'10".2 Mag(I):12.183 Range :0.501 Type:trans Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin) Discovery InformationIt was detected by the PIXY system as one of the candidates of new variable stars from images taken by Ken-ichi Kadota, Ageo City, Saitama, Japan, then confirmed by Seiichi Yoshida. Special NotesJohn Greaves identified with OGLE2-BUL-SC22-V383. The variation range from OGLE's I-band observations is small as 11.838 - 11.933 mag, although the range from MISAO's unfiltered CCD observations is large as 12.8 - 14.3 mag. The OGLE-II light curve looks similar to those of GCAS stars. A GCAS star should be B type, however, the 2MASS J-Ks color of MisV0015 is so large as 1.303 mag. Further researches revealed that identification of MisV0015 with USNO-1.0 0525.24950305 was wrong. There is no identification in USNO-A1.0 at the corrected position measured from Ken-ichi Kadota's images. At the same time, identification with OGLE2-BUL-SC22-V383 was also wrong. Based on the corrected position, MisV0015 is identified with a Mira type variable with a period of 217 days, OGLE2-BUL-SC22-V384. Research and Publication
Light CurveOPTICAL GRAVITATIONAL LENSING EXPERIMENT (OGLE) Catalog of Candidate Variable Stars in the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis Wozniak et al. (2002), Acta Astron., 52, 129. Observations by MISAO Project