MISAO Project

Home Page       Updated on December 16, 2020


* Profile


= 1RXS J074112.2-094529

Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin)


AAVSO VSX Database

ASAS-3 Light Curve

* Discovery Information

Seiichi Yoshida, Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan; discovered a possible new object from survey images taken by Youichirou Nakashima, Setouchi City, Okayama, Japan; in the course of the MISAO Project.

This object can be identified with an X-ray source 1RXS J074112.2-094529.


I checked the Minor Planet Checker, the SIMBAD database and 2MASS images, and found nothing at this position.

Diego Rodriguez confirmed the outburst of X-ray source 1RXS J074112.2-094529.

We the MISAO Project assigned a new variable star designation MisV1446 to this star.

* Special Notes

Bright new object of 14.1 mag discovered from Youichirou Nakashima's survey images on 2012 Jan. 5. It will be an outburst of an X-ray source 1RXS J074112.2-094529.

ASAS-SN detected the new outburst at 14.69 mag on Mar. 20, 2017 [vsnet-alert 20807]. It faded out quickly, fainter than 17.12 mag, on Mar. 23 [vsnet-alert 20813].

Yutaka Maeda detected the new outburst at 13.9 mag on Oct. 23, 2018 [vsnet-alert 22647].

* Research and Publication

* Light Curve

    14.0  +--------------------------------------------------------+
          |                            *  v                        |
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          |  v    v                     vv   v                     |
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          |  v    v                 v   vvv                  v     |
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    16.0  +--------------------------------------------------------+
       2455542                                                  2456310
     2010 Dec. 11                                             2013 Jan. 17

* Recent Observations

2018 Nov.  3.76650   14.8   cG      Yutaka Maeda
2018 Nov.  2.86822   14.5   cG      Yutaka Maeda
2018 Oct. 28.84671   13.8   cG      Yutaka Maeda
2018 Oct. 27.82492   13.5   c       Yutaka Maeda
2018 Oct. 26.80243   13.9   cG      Yutaka Maeda
2018 Oct. 26.1465    13.93  V       Eddy Muyllaert
2018 Oct. 25.818     13.7   visual  Hiroyuki Maehara
2018 Oct. 24.75166   14.0   cG      Yutaka Maeda
2018 Oct. 23.74742   13.9   c       Yutaka Maeda
2018 Oct. 21.7457   [13.8   c       Yutaka Maeda
2018 Oct. 20.7570   [16.1   c       Yutaka Maeda
2018 Oct.  8.76455  [14.6   c       Yutaka Maeda
2017 Mar. 23.296    [17.12  V       ASAS-SN
2017 Mar. 20.300     14.69  V       ASAS-SN
2017 Mar. 16.3      [16.71  V       ASAS-SN
2017 Mar. 14.1      [15.93  V       ASAS-SN
2014 Apr.  5.898    [18.2   C       Eddy Muyllaert
2014 Mar.  1.994    [17.8   C       Eddy Muyllaert
2014 Feb.  8.038    [17.5   C       Eddy Muyllaert
2012 Jan. 17.932     17.50  CV      Diego Rodriguez
2012 Jan. 17.930     17.13  CR      Diego Rodriguez
2012 Jan.  8.923     14.65  CV      Diego Rodriguez
2012 Jan.  8.919     14.66  CV      Diego Rodriguez

* Observations by MISAO Project

2011 Jan. 15.77634[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Jan. 15.77771[15.3CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Jan. 15.77907[15.3CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Mar. 23.53770[15.3CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Mar. 23.53903[15.3CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Mar. 23.54037[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Nov. 20.77538[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Nov. 20.77671[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Nov. 20.77806[15.5CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Dec. 24.80339[14.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Dec. 24.80472[14.5CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Dec. 24.80606[14.5CYouichirou Nakashima
2011 Dec. 24.80741[14.4CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 5.6245114.3CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 5.6258614.1CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 5.6272014.1CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 17.59495[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 17.59628[15.3CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 17.59763[15.7CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 30.64002[15.5CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 30.64137[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Jan. 30.64270[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 2.65425[15.5CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 2.65559[15.3CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 2.65692[15.5CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 12.59661[14.5CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 12.59796[14.2CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 12.59933[14.1CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 19.58733[15.8CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 19.58868[15.8CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Feb. 19.59005[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Mar. 21.56035[14.9CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Mar. 21.56170[15.2CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Mar. 21.56306[15.3CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Oct. 23.74463[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Oct. 23.74600[15.6CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Oct. 23.74735[15.9CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Dec. 13.67791[15.1CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Dec. 13.67927[15.1CYouichirou Nakashima
2012 Dec. 13.68062[15.0CYouichirou Nakashima

Copyright(C) MISAO Project (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.