R.A. | 03h00m46s.79 |
Decl. | +59o20'30".3 | (2000.0) |
Mag. | 14.06-14.68C |
Type | DCEP |
Period | 2.81 |
Epoch | 2451540.7 |
= USNO-A2.0 1425.04054664 03h00m46s.801 +59o20'30".48 Mag(R):15.1 M
Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin)
AAVSO VSX Database
ASAS-3 Light Curve
NSVS Light Curve (NSVS 1940763)
Discovery Information
Seiichi Yoshida, MISAO Project; Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima,
Okayama, Japan, discovered new variable stars MisV1380 - MisV1383.
They were picked up by Seiichi Yoshida from the candidates of new
variable stars detected by the PIXY system 2 from images taken by
Nobuo Ohkura (MisV1380, MisV1381), or taken by Nobuo Ohkura and
Youichirou Nakashima (MisV1382, MisV1383).
Seiichi Yoshida researched the NSVS data, confirmed the short periodic
variation, and revealed the type and period of these stars.
The USNO-A2.0 color, B-R = 2.5 mag, suggests MisV1383 is a reddish
Light Curve
Light curve by the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS) searched using SkyDOT.
SkyDOT is operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the US Department of Energy.
Observations by MISAO Project
Date | Mag | Filter | Observer |
2001 Nov. 20.57942 | 14.31 | C | Nobuo Ohkura |
2001 Nov. 20.58139 | 14.19 | C | Nobuo Ohkura |
2001 Nov. 20.58337 | 14.27 | C | Nobuo Ohkura |
2001 Nov. 20.58534 | 14.17 | C | Nobuo Ohkura |
2002 Jan. 23.40663 | 14.62 | C | Nobuo Ohkura |
2002 Jan. 23.40862 | 14.52 | C | Nobuo Ohkura |
2002 Jan. 23.41060 | 14.52 | C | Nobuo Ohkura |
2007 Feb. 11.50948 | 14.49 | C | Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 11.51227 | 14.60 | C | Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 12.50914 | 14.23 | C | Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 12.51193 | 14.25 | C | Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 12.51472 | 14.23 | C | Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 19.46265 | 14.46 | C | Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 19.46549 | 14.33 | C | Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 19.46832 | 14.53 | C | Nobuo Ohkura and Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 21.42755 | 14.17 | C | Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 21.43035 | 13.98 | C | Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 21.43315 | 14.04 | C | Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 23.42762 | 14.70 | C | Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 23.43042 | 14.63 | C | Youichirou Nakashima |
2007 Feb. 23.43322 | 14.70 | C | Youichirou Nakashima |