Home Page Updated on December 16, 2020
= USNO-A2.0 0600.22592298 16h57m47s.287 -24o11'27".05 Mag(R):16.2 M ag(B):16.3 = 2MASS 16574727-2411272 8.622(J) 7.714(H) 7.149(Ks) Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin) Discovery InformationSeiichi Yoshida, MISAO Project; and Ken-ichi Kadota, Ageo, Saitama, Japan, discovered a new variable star MisV1333. It was picked up by Seiichi Yoshida from the candidates of new variable stars detected by the PIXY system 2 from images taken by Ken-ichi Kadota, and confirmed by Ken-ichi Kadota. The variation of this star was discovered in 1999 September in the course of the MISAO Project. But we regarded it as DV Oph because it was only 2.1 arcmin from the catalogued position of DV Oph [vsnet-id 111]. However, it was revealed that the semi regular variation of the star at the catalogued position of DV Oph (ASAS 165756-2411.3) is clearly detected by the ASAS-3 data. http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/cgi-asas/asas_variable/165756-2411.3,asas3,0,0,500,320 Therefore, the variable star discovered by the MISAO Project was revealed to be a new object. Both DV Oph and MisV1333 are red variables. DV Oph is detected as 12.1-13.7 mag in the ASAS-3 data, but MisV1333 is not detected, fainter than 14 mag. That means DV Oph is brighter in V-band. On the other hand, MisV1333 looks much brighter than DV Oph in the 2MASS images. Therefore, MisV1333 is much more reddish than DV Oph, intense in infrared. Special NotesThe variation of this star was discovered in 1999 September in the course of the MISAO Project. But we regarded it as DV Oph because it was only 2.1 arcmin from the catalogued position of DV Oph [vsnet-id 111]. However, it was revealed that the semi regular variation of the star at the catalogued position of DV Oph ( ASAS 165756-2411.3 ) is clearly detected by the ASAS-3 data. Therefore, the variable star discovered by the MISAO Project was revealed to be a new object. Both DV Oph and MisV1333 are red variables. DV Oph is detected as 12.1-13.7 mag in the ASAS-3 data, but MisV1333 is not detected, fainter than 14 mag. That means DV Oph is brighter in V-band. On the other hand, MisV1333 looks much brighter than DV Oph in the 2MASS images. Therefore, MisV1333 is much more reddish than DV Oph, intense in infrared. Light Curve11.8 +--------------------------------------------------------+ | v * | | | | v * | | | | * | | * | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | 13.1 +--------------------------------------------------------+ 2451250 2451616 1999 Mar. 12 2000 Mar. 12 Observations by MISAO Project