MISAO Project

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* Profile


= USNO-A2.0_1425.02781899  02 00 45.515  +58 59 11.31  14.5R  19.3B
= IRAS 01572+5844  R.A.=02 00 44.11  Decl.=+58 59 03.2  (27 x 6", p.a.
  =55)  flux(12)=25.62  flux(25)=16.11  flux(60)=2.89  flux(100)=4.95 
   35% variable

Digitized Sky Survey GIF image (15 x 15 arcmin)


AAVSO VSX Database

ASAS-3 Light Curve

* Discovery Information

Seiichi Yoshida, MISAO Project; Nobuo Ohkura, Okayama, Japan; and Ken-ichi Kadota, Ageo, Saitama, Japan, discovered a new variable star MisV0884.

It was detected by the PIXY system as one of the candidates of new variable stars from images taken by Ohkura comparing with images taken by Kadota, then confirmed by Yoshida.

* Special Notes

When it was bright as 9.3 mag in the MISAO Project observations, Guy M Hurst and Mike Collins reported that MisV0884 was too faint, fainter than 11 mag. Hurst's observations are unfiltered CCD, as same as the MISAO observations.

Masayuki Suzuki's observations revealed that it is bright only in infrared and very faint even in Rc-band, as 10.6 mag (Ic), 15.0 mag (Rc) and fainter than 16.8 mag (V).

* Light Curve

     8.8  +--------------------------------------------------------+
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    17.3  +--------------------------------------------------------+
       2451247                                                  2455695
     1999 Mar. 9                                              2011 May 13

* Observations by MISAO Project

1999 Sept. 27.7669811.4CKen-ichi Kadota
1999 Sept. 27.7674111.3CKen-ichi Kadota
2000 Feb. 29.503619.5CNobuo Ohkura
2000 Feb. 29.505469.3CNobuo Ohkura
2000 Feb. 29.507319.2CNobuo Ohkura
2000 Feb. 29.509179.2CNobuo Ohkura
2000 Nov. 4.5882211.5CNobuo Ohkura
2000 Nov. 4.5900911.5CNobuo Ohkura
2000 Nov. 4.5919311.5CNobuo Ohkura
2010 Oct. 23.15861[16.9BMasayuki Suzuki
2010 Oct. 23.16066[16.6BMasayuki Suzuki
2010 Oct. 23.16275[16.7VMasayuki Suzuki
2010 Oct. 23.16477[16.8VMasayuki Suzuki
2010 Oct. 23.1665414.9RcMasayuki Suzuki
2010 Oct. 23.1678715.1RcMasayuki Suzuki
2010 Oct. 23.1691110.6IcMasayuki Suzuki
2010 Oct. 23.1700910.6IcMasayuki Suzuki

Copyright(C) MISAO Project (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.