Weekly Information about Bright Comets (2010 Dec. 4: North)

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Updated on December 2, 2010
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Best time and the azimuth, altitude (A,h) are at lat. 35 deg in the Northern Hemisphere.
Azimuth indicates 0 for south, 90 for west, 180 for north, 270 for east.


* 103P/Hartley 2

It approached to the earth down to 0.12 A.U. and brightened up to 4.6 mag in October (Oct. 18, Juan Jose Gonzalez). It was very large, double of the full moon, and very bright, visible with naked eyes. Now it is fading, but still bright as 6.5 mag (Nov. 19, Katsumi Yoshimoto). After this, it keeps observable for a long time until 2011 June when it fades down to 17 mag.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   7 38.30  -16 25.9   0.302   1.173   121    6.8   2:49 (  0, 39)  
Dec. 11   7 35.06  -17 47.6   0.340   1.216   126    7.3   2:18 (  0, 37)  

* P/2010 V1 ( Ikeya-Murakami )

Bright new comet discovered visually by Kaoru Ikeya and Shigeki Murakami. Now it is 12.5 mag (Nov. 29, Toshiyuki Takahashi). Its envelope similar to 17P/Holmes is getting diffuse rapidly. In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable for a long time after this in the morning low sky. It locates very low in the Southern Hemisphere, but it will be getting higher gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  13 50.82  -11 45.0   2.244   1.644    41   11.4   5:22 (302, 20)  
Dec. 11  14  7.95  -13 47.4   2.223   1.664    44   12.1   5:27 (306, 21)  

* 9P/Tempel 1

The condition in this apparition is bad. It keeps unobservable for a while. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will appear in the morning sky at 12.5 mag in February, then it keeps observable while fading gradually. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable until when it fades down to 15 mag.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  15 29.63  -15 56.5   2.470   1.561    17   12.8   5:22 (289, -1)  
Dec. 11  15 51.24  -17 36.8   2.439   1.545    19   12.7   5:27 (292,  0)  

* C/2009 P1 ( Garradd )

Already very bright as 11.5 mag (Nov. 24, Juan Jose Gonzalez). It is expected to keep so bright as 6-8 mag for a long time from 2011 to 2012, and to be observable in good condition in the Northern Hemisphere. In 2010, it is observable in good condition in the Southern Hemisphere while brightening slowly. It locates low in the Northern Hemisphere, but it keeps observable until the end of 2010.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  21 55.10  -31 34.6   5.007   4.751    69   13.4  18:18 ( 17, 21)  
Dec. 11  21 55.12  -30 37.3   5.053   4.687    62   13.4  18:19 ( 24, 20)  

* 10P/Tempel 2

It has kept bright as 8.5 mag since July until September. Now it is fading, but it is still bright as 10.7 mag (Nov. 24, Juan Jose Gonzalez). It will be visible visually until December.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   1 12.63  -11 29.7   1.391   2.059   119   13.6  20:20 (  0, 44)  
Dec. 11   1 16.75   -9 53.0   1.499   2.102   114   13.9  19:57 (  0, 45)  

* C/2009 K5 ( McNaught )

It brightened up to 7.9 mag in April and May (May 5, Juan Jose Gonzalez). Now it is fading. But it is still bright as 11.3 mag (Nov. 13, Jakub Cerny). It keeps observable for a long time until when it fades out in the Northern Hemisphere. It is not observable in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   5 45.80   48  3.4   2.274   3.172   150   13.6   0:58 (180, 77)  
Dec. 11   5 25.47   46 22.9   2.316   3.243   156   13.8   0:10 (180, 79)  

* C/2009 Y1 ( Catalina )

Now it is 13.2 mag, much brighter than originally expected and visible visually (Nov. 6, Seiichi Yoshida). In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be observable at 13-14 ag in good condition from autumn to winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be unobservable until 2011 spring.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  19 45.70   51  1.0   2.506   2.592    83   13.9  18:18 (130, 51)  
Dec. 11  20  6.72   47 28.5   2.542   2.575    80   13.9  18:19 (124, 49)  

* 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

Now it is 15.3 mag (Nov. 23, Toshiyuki Takahashi). It is too faint to see visually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  11 13.82    0 14.3   6.296   6.241    82   14.0   5:22 (334, 52)  
Dec. 11  11 15.44   -0  5.4   6.182   6.241    88   13.9   5:27 (347, 54)  

* (3200) Phaethon

It passed the perihelion on Nov. 25. But it is not observable now. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be observable again after mid December while fading from 16 mag. It will not be observable in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  17 52.74  -17 15.0   1.100   0.341    17   14.4  18:18 ( 69,  0)  
Dec. 11  19  2.71  -12  9.3   1.098   0.528    28   15.4  18:19 ( 67, 10)  

* C/2010 B1 ( Cardinal )

Now it is 13.8 mag and visible visually (Nov. 13, Juan Jose Gonzalez). It keeps observable at 14-15 mag in good condition from autumn to next spring.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   6 56.68    3 47.3   2.173   3.013   142   14.5   2:08 (  0, 59)  
Dec. 11   6 42.44    0 58.8   2.113   2.998   148   14.4   1:26 (  0, 56)  

* C/2006 W3 ( Christensen )

It reached up to 7.7 mag in last summer (2009 Aug. 13, Chris Wyatt). It is fading now. It has already faded down to 13.2 mag (Sept. 6, Chris Wyatt). In the Northern Hemisphere, it will never be observable again. In the Southern Hemisphere, it locates very low now. But it will be getting higher after January.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  17 38.98  -48  9.4   6.477   5.631    28   14.7  18:18 ( 45,-21)  
Dec. 11  17 43.37  -48 27.7   6.545   5.679    26   14.8  18:19 ( 47,-25)  

* 65P/Gunn

It brightened up to 11.5 mag in July (July 18, Juan Jose Gonzalez). Now it is 14.7 mag (Nov. 8, Chris Wyatt). Fading slowly. It will keep 14 mag until the end of 2010. It is observable in excellent condition in the Southern Hemisphere. It locates somewhat low in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  21 37.69  -24 19.4   3.164   2.932    67   14.9  18:18 ( 23, 27)  
Dec. 11  21 46.80  -23 19.7   3.270   2.953    62   15.0  18:19 ( 28, 26)  

* 43P/Wolf-Harrington

Now it is 15.3 mag (Nov. 29, Toshiyuki Takahashi). It keeps observable after this while fading gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  12 28.36  -17 51.2   2.448   2.115    58   15.0   5:22 (323, 28)  
Dec. 11  12 38.23  -19 17.4   2.423   2.163    63   15.1   5:27 (329, 29)  

* C/2009 F4 ( McNaught )

Now it is 14.8 mag (June 23, Hidetaka Sato). It keeps bright as 14-15 mag for a long time after this until 2013. It is not observable in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it locates low now. But it will be getting higher gradually after December. It must be bright, however, no observations have been reported since early July.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  15 26.49  -54 49.7   6.938   6.162    35   15.1   5:22 (322,-22)  
Dec. 11  15 32.89  -55 44.8   6.891   6.139    37   15.1   5:27 (325,-19)  

* C/2006 S3 ( LONEOS )

Now it is 14.5 mag and visible visually (Sept. 30, Alan Hale). It will be observable at 13-14 mag for a long time from 2011 to 2012. It will be getting lower gradually in the evening sky after this. It will be unobservable in November in the Southern Hemisphere, or in December in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  20  8.77   -7  1.2   6.894   6.341    52   15.2  18:18 ( 55, 30)  
Dec. 11  20  9.54   -7  9.7   6.960   6.312    45   15.2  18:19 ( 60, 25)  

* C/2008 FK75 ( Lemmon-Siding Spring )

Now it is 14.8 mag and visible visually (Oct. 11, Sandor Szabo). It will be fading very slowly after this. In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable for a long time until 2012 spring when it fades down to 17-18 mag.In the Southern Hemisphere, it will never be observable after this.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  18 58.06   31 59.2   4.897   4.542    63   15.5  18:18 (106, 38)  
Dec. 11  19  7.92   31 52.3   4.935   4.549    61   15.5  18:19 (107, 35)  

* C/2010 FB87 ( WISE-Garradd )

Now it is 14.5 mag (Nov. 8, K. Hills), much brighter than originally expected. It keeps 16 mag until 2011 spring. It keeps observable in good condition in the Southern Hemisphere. But in the Northern Hemisphere, it locates very low in 2011 spring only.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  10 53.85  -66 26.5   3.067   2.856    68   15.5   5:22 (356,-12)  
Dec. 11  10 34.52  -67 49.5   3.007   2.863    72   15.5   5:17 (  0,-13)  

* 240P/2010 P1 ( NEAT )

Now it is 14.5 mag (Nov. 5, Yasukazu Ikari). It is observable at 15 mag in good condition from autumn to winter. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   6 56.01   32 53.6   1.277   2.177   148   15.6   2:07 (  0, 88)  
Dec. 11   6 51.63   34 55.8   1.257   2.190   154   15.7   1:35 (  0, 90)  

* 203P/2008 R4 ( Korlevic )

Now it is 18.0 mag (Nov. 4, Ken-ichi Kadota). It was observed at 16 mag from late 2009 to early 2010. It has already passed the perihelion, however, it tends to be brightest after the perihelion passage. It will be observable at 16 mag again in good condition from late 2010 to early 2011. However, it is much fainter than this ephemeris recently.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  10 30.02    7 43.4   3.318   3.547    95   16.0   5:22 (350, 62)  
Dec. 11  10 32.73    7 20.7   3.231   3.562   101   15.9   5:15 (  0, 62)  

* C/2010 A4 ( Siding Spring )

Now it is 16.5 mag (Oct. 5, Hidetaka Sato). It keeps 16 mag until the end of 2010. It keeps observable in good condition in the Southern Hemisphere. But it is not observable at all in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   1 34.62  -75 53.7   2.835   2.799    77   16.2  20:38 (  0,-21)  
Dec. 11   0 57.89  -72 22.2   2.890   2.815    75   16.3  19:36 (  0,-17)  

* C/2008 S3 ( Boattini )

Now it is 16.9 mag (Oct. 9, Catalina Sky Survey). It keeps 17 mag for a long time from 2009 to 2012. It is observable in good condition in the Northern Hemisphere. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   1  7.56   16 51.0   7.429   8.097   129   16.9  20:15 (  0, 72)  
Dec. 11   1  3.74   16 27.8   7.527   8.091   121   17.0  19:43 (  0, 71)  

* C/2009 K3 ( Beshore )

It was observed only during 3 days in 2009 May, then it has been lost. The ephemeris says that it passes the perihelion in 2011 January and it will be observable at 17 mag. But actually, it will not be found.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   8 27.58  -16 35.2   3.434   3.914   112   17.1   3:38 (  0, 38)  
Dec. 11   8 15.99  -17 25.7   3.332   3.910   119   17.0   2:59 (  0, 38)  

* 123P/West-Hartley

Now it is 17.8 mag (Nov. 11, Ken-ichi Kadota). In the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in good condition until 2011 spring when it brightens up to 16 mag. In the Southern Hemisphere, it keeps locating low.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   5 29.86   36 29.5   1.705   2.660   162   17.3   0:41 (180, 89)  
Dec. 11   5 22.55   37 10.9   1.667   2.632   165   17.1   0:06 (180, 88)  

* 2009 YS6

Peculiar asteroid moving along a comet-like retrograde orbit. Now it is 16.9 mag (Nov. 5, Hidetaka Sato). It is observable in excellent condition in the Southern Hemisphere. It locates extremely low in the Northern Hemisphere. It will not be observable in January.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   0 50.28  -44  4.4   1.280   1.689    95   17.1  19:55 (  0, 11)  
Dec. 11   0 12.49  -41 37.5   1.419   1.665    85   17.3  18:51 (  0, 14)  

* C/2010 S1 ( LINEAR )

Now it is 17.3 mag (Oct. 6, Hidetaka Sato). It is expected to be 15 mag and will be observable in good condition in 2013. It is observable in good condition in the Northern Hemisphere, but not observable in the Southern Hemisphere now.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   2 10.72   60 44.6   7.798   8.507   133   17.3  21:18 (180, 64)  
Dec. 11   2  2.62   60 13.7   7.802   8.475   130   17.2  20:42 (180, 65)  

* 2008 YB3

Large Centaur-type asteroid. It keeps observable at 17-18 mag for a long time until 2013.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   8 17.70  -18 46.2   6.051   6.498   112   17.5   3:28 (  0, 36)  
Dec. 11   8 14.11  -18 37.1   5.963   6.496   118   17.5   2:57 (  0, 36)  

* C/2005 L3 ( McNaught )

It had been bright as 13-14 mag for a long time from 2007 to 2009. Now it is fading, but still bright as 16.3 mag (Nov. 5, Ken-ichi Kadota). It keeps observable at 17 mag in good condition until next spring.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  12  0.55   35 48.8   9.142   9.158    87   17.6   5:22 (260, 68)  
Dec. 11  11 59.97   36 13.8   9.070   9.193    94   17.6   5:27 (260, 75)  

* 241P/2010 P2 ( LINEAR )

Now it is 17.5 mag (Nov. 8, C. Rinner, F. Kugel). It has already passed the perihelion, however, it tends to be brightest after the perihelion passage. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be observable at 17.5 mag in good condition until the end of 2010. It locates extremely low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4   9 24.52   21 37.0   1.732   2.323   114   17.6   4:35 (  0, 77)  
Dec. 11   9 24.22   20 45.8   1.688   2.359   121   17.7   4:07 (  0, 76)  

* 31P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2

Now it is 18.7 mag (Nov. 9, Ken-ichi Kadota). It was observed at 18 mag in winter between 2009 and 2010. It will be observable again at 17.5 mag in good condition from winter to spring in 2011.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Dec.  4  10 49.06   10  2.0   3.261   3.435    91   17.8   5:22 (339, 64)  
Dec. 11  10 53.06    9 48.3   3.161   3.437    97   17.7   5:27 (355, 65)  


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.