The following improved orbital elements by Kenji Muraoka, are
from 479 observations 1997 May 3 to 1998 Nov. 25, perturbations
by 9 Planets, Moon and 5 minor planets were taken into account.
The mean residual is +/- 0.57 arc seconds.
Epoch = 1997 Apr. 22.0 TT JDT = 2450560.5
T = 1997 May 3.80219 +/- 0.00019 (m.e.) TT
Peri. = 98.95424 +/- 0.00011
Node = 277.07493 +/- 0.00007 (2000.0)
Incl. = 122.96869 +/- 0.00003
q = 2.3021499 +/- 0.0000027 AU
e = 0.9908918 +/- 0.0000026
1/a = +0.0039564 +/- 0.0000011 1/AU
( P = 4018 years )
orig. 1/a = +0.001823 1/AU
fut. 1/a = +0.004661 1/AU