489P/Denning (2007)

Japanese version
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Updated on September 26, 2024


* Profile

Designation 489P/2007 HE4
Re-discovery Date April 17, 2007
Magnitude 18.7 mag
Re-discoverer LINEAR survey, Maik Meyer (Limburg, Germany)

* Orbital Elements

                    Epoch = 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT
     T = 2007 Apr. 22.44058 TT        Peri. = 108.04001
     e = 0.6449710                    Node  =  22.54844 2000.0
     q = 1.5767009 AU                 Incl. =   4.00754
       a =  4.4410482 AU   n = 0.10531151   P =   9.36 years

* Magnitudes Graph

        m1 = 12.0 + 5 log d + 25 log r

        * Gray curve is:  H = 19.0  G = 0.15


The orbital elements are printed on CBET 5425.
The magnitudes graphs are made with Comet for Windows.


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.