430P/Scotti (2016)

Japanese version
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Updated on October 6, 2021


* Profile

* Orbital Elements

Epoch 2016 June 21.0 TT = JDT 2457560.5                                         
T 2016 June 14.33130 TT                                 Rudenko                 
q   1.5528938            (2000.0)            P               Q                  
n   0.18010449     Peri.   94.64856     -0.85758427     -0.51038812             
a   3.1054153      Node    54.67518     +0.43553783     -0.78644649             
e   0.4999400      Incl.    4.47541     +0.27359828     -0.34785900             
P   5.47                                                                        
From 251 observations 2011 Jan. 11-2021 Aug. 25, mean residual 0".7.            

* Magnitudes Graph

        m1 = 18.0 + 5 log d + 10.0 log r

        * Gray curve is:  m1 = 15.5 + 5 log d + 10.0 log r


The orbital elements are published on M.P.E.C. 2021-Q69.
The magnitudes graphs are made with Comet for Windows.


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.