259P/Garradd (2013)

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Updated on May 27, 2012


* Profile

* Orbital Elements

Epoch 2013 Jan. 28.0 TT = JDT 2456320.5
T 2013 Jan. 25.43382 TT                                 MPC
q   1.7976845            (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.21877172     Peri.  256.55895     +0.59348670     +0.77538649
a   2.7277753      Node    51.96117     -0.59081218     +0.60175378
e   0.3409705      Incl.   15.89883     -0.54654781     +0.19148939
P   4.51
From 38 observations 2008 July 15-2012 Apr. 15, mean residual 0".73.

* Magnitudes Graph

        H = 20.0  G = 0.15


The orbital elements are published on M.P.E.C. 2012-K41.
The magnitudes graphs are made with Comet for Windows.


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.