The following improved orbital elements by Kenji Muraoka, are
from 57 observations 1987 to 1996, perturbations by 9 Plantes,
Moon and 5 minor planets were taken into account.
The mean residual is +/- 0.79 arc seconds.
Epoch = 1996 Apr. 27.0 TT JDT = 2450200.5
T = 1996 Apr. 24.64954 +/- 0.00388 (m.e.) TT
Peri. = 29.91671 +/- 0.00098
Node = 4.56183 +/- 0.00018 (2000.0)
Incl. = 8.79596 +/- 0.00004
q = 2.7394934 +/- 0.0000012 AU
e = 0.3373750 +/- 0.0000003
a = 4.1343044 +/- 0.0000007 AU
n = 0.11724664 +/- 0.00000003
P = 8.406 +/- 0.0000021 years